Six Months! | Apex Children Photographer

Sweet Miss L is a part of my baby plan (something new – so ask me about it if you are interested!).  So I get to see her a whole lot!  And she is so laid back and sweet she sure makes my job easy.  🙂  Mom wanted certain set-ups for this session and did they turn out cute!  I love the white bed and chunky babies!  Almost makes me want to get some studio equipment to do more indoor sessions – almost.  🙂  Hope you enjoy P Family!  Miss L is such a joy to photograph.

October 13, 2012 - 9:33 pm

casey martinez - Hey! You got your website going and how am I such a bad friend that I am only now seeing it? Love it and love all your new pictures!!! BTW you let me know and I’ll take some portrait shots for you anytime! I need some too! haha. Love the feel of this layout. Clean and sweet! Great job!

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